A downloadable game

A chill space game about flying around and mining minerals.

Don't forget to dock with the space station to deposit your minerals and restock your CO2 gas!

Known bug: the very first time you adjust any power meter, it stealthily sets all the other ones to zero. I have no idea why this happens, but it only happens the first time and you can get around it by setting them all back to whatever value you want.


WASD for your lateral CO2 thrusters

R, F for your up and down thrusters
Hold space to charge up your laser, and let go to fire the laser

SHIFT triggers your "Ion thrusters", but don't use these. They're too power hungry for not enough force. They're only there as a backup option if you run out of CO2 fuel. Turn the power down on these before you do.

Q and E to roll.

Hold right click to control the reaction wheels to rotate the ship around the pitch and yaw.

Fly into mineral fragments to collect them.

Slowly approach the space station's dark cylinder thing to dock.'

Attributions for free assets used:

- Jayvee Enaguas for "Pixel Operator" font

- VRTXD for periodic table pixel art sprites


mineral_extraction_feb02_2025_windows.zip 27 MB

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